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Information About international mobility of the personnel

Take note! All fields must be filled in!

Activities carried out during the business trip (mark the appropriate box and briefly describe the carried out activities - meetings, academic activity (conducting lectures or trainings), scientific-research activity, participation in trainings, participation in administrative activities, etc.)

I. What do you consider as the most important result in studying at Grigol Robakidze University? (Please rate: 1 - Unimportant, 2 - Less important, 3 - Sufficient, 4 - Important; 5 - Very important)

II. During the study in a foreign country, what impressed you? (Please rate: 1 - Unimportant, 2 - Less important, 3 - Sufficient, 4 - Important; 5 - Very important)

III. What was new and positively different for you when you worked at Grigol Robakidze University? (Check the appropriate box)

* The maximum size of the file to be uploaded should not exceed 1mb